It is pretty rare when I don't have somewhere to be in the morning. I absolutely love breakfast/brunch, but my morning routine usually consists of grabbing a granola bar or yogurt and hitting the road. Today, however, I had zero morning obligations and decided I would make something special for myself. Frittatas are SO easy. They are basically a giant omelette that you finish cooking under the broiler in your oven. And they taste good with any number/combination of ingredients. Any veggies or cheeses or meats that you would enjoy in an omelette, you will also enjoy in a frittata. At my house we try really, really hard not to waste food, so we are major leftover eaters. I made some creamed spinach the other evening that we didn't finish so that is how it ended up in my frittata breakfast this morning. I added some blue cheese before I stuck it under the broiler and JEEEZ, it came out pretty delicious.

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