Every other week, my household gets an organic produce delivery (www.palmettoorganics.com if anyone is interested in giving it a try). Each delivery is a big bag filled with different fruits and veggies, some of which I am very familiar, and some... not so much. This passed delivery was one of those "not so much" times; contained within my big bag were six "watermelon radishes." I like to think of these surprises as an opportunity to try to cook something I've never tasted before and hope that it turns out pretty good. I figured it would be pretty similar to a regular radish, and I had some bok choy and several other veggies that I had no real plans for, so when in doubt- I STIR FRY. I began the most difficult part of the veggie stir fry process (Chopping everything) and I was pleasantly surprised at how pretty these little radishes were, and how the name watermelon radish probably came to be (DUH!)
Their vibrant pink insides were too lovely not to photograph.

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